Village of Warsaw Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrades

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Nestled in the heart of Wyoming County, the Village of Warsaw has long championed the protection of its natural resources. Recognizing the urgent need to modernize its aging wastewater treatment plant, local officials embarked on a revitalization effort that would better preserve waterways, meet stringent ecological regulations and support a growing population.

This mission took center stage when the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) issued a revised State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) permit, mandating stricter fecal coliform limits and seasonal disinfection requirements. Warsaw embraced this challenge as an opportunity to implement a new disinfection system that would mitigate contamination and achieve compliance.

As a longtime design partner, our Infrastructure practice team was engaged to lead this project, collaborating with stakeholders to identify the most effective solution. An ultraviolet (UV) treatment method was ultimately selected for its sustainability, efficiency and alignment with NYSDEC codes.

Extensive research into UV technologies guided the design process, which included effluent sampling, hydraulic profile analysis and integration with the plant’s existing infrastructure. We developed plans for a new UV channel and building structure, complete with below-grade foundations; a bypass system for maintenance and seasonal use; and electrical and architectural modifications.

Other improvements included solids handling upgrades—such as new anaerobic digesters and a dewatering press—a supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system; electrical modifications; and new site piping.

Despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic—including material cost increases and supply chain disruptions—we worked closely with the Village to adjust the project scope while maintaining performance. This involved securing vital funding through grants from the New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation and NYSDEC, ensuring the $6 million project could move forward.

Today, Warsaw’s reimagined wastewater treatment plant operates at peak performance, delivering superior water quality that meets the latest standards. By transforming outdated infrastructure with advanced disinfection technology and securing strategic funding, the Village has established a resilient system that will safeguard natural assets and community health for years to come.