Village of Oakfield Water Storage Tank Replacement and Transmission Mains

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Established in the early 1800s, the Village of Oakfield has long been a cornerstone of community life in upstate New York. In recent years, local officials have taken bold steps to address aging infrastructure, setting the stage for future growth and improved quality of life.

Responding to increased demand for reliable water service, the Village embarked on a comprehensive modernization of its water storage system. The existing 125,000-gallon tank, built in 1915, was no longer adequate to meet usage needs or fire flow requirements. Persistent leaks and structural issues necessitated frequent repairs, exposing the community to service disruptions and emergency vulnerabilities.

The result is an elevated 500,000-gallon water tank strategically placed outside the Village center, leveraging recently updated water mains along state highways within the Village and Town of Oakfield for seamless integration. This upgrade not only meets current demands but also provides a minimum of 1,200 gallons per minute of fire flow for two hours, and supports planned growth for both the Village and Town of Oakfield, as well as the neighboring Town of Alabama.

Funded by USDA Rural Development and the New York State Office of Community Renewal (OCR), the full capital project also included the replacement of 12,900 linear feet of 1950s-era water transmission mains and added a complete overhaul of the Village’s outdated telemetry system, enabling advanced monitoring and control under budget from the original estimated capital cost.

The initiative concluded with the safe demolition of the original tank, eliminating a longstanding liability and underscoring a shared commitment to progress and resilience. The impact of this project extends far beyond the infrastructure improvements; it strengthens the community’s ability to meet the needs of its growing population and enhances the Village’s resilience in the face of future challenges.

By modernizing key systems and embracing forward-thinking solutions, Oakfield now enjoys dependable water service and infrastructure capable of supporting development for generations to come.