Ryan Daniels

AIA, NCARB, CM-BIM Vice President and Florida Healthcare Practice Leader

With over two decades of visionary leadership in architecture and design across various markets, Ryan is creating health and wellbeing facilities that have a direct, positive impact on improving lives.

He believes design, innovation and technology are the driving forces to create built environments where people interact, live, work, play, shop, discover, heal and educate. His passion lies in delivering impressionable experiences through quality design, and he infuses every project with strategic direction and a fresh perspective.

Blending healthcare expertise and ingenuity, Ryan fosters a collaborative “think tank” culture that unites diverse perspectives to achieve data-driven outcomes. Moreover, he becomes deeply embedded in the communities he lives and works with, actively volunteering in local organizations, serving on boards of directors and participating in committees to enhance the welfare of all. He remains focused on cultivating robust client partnerships, recruiting top talent and identifying high-value opportunities that align with CPL’s vision for growth throughout the state of Florida and beyond.